#JE75 Connecticut 2025 & 2026 Recap

Tuesday, April 2nd, 2019

#JE75 Connecticut 2025 & 2026 Recap

Our last recap takes a look at the Connecticut 5th and 6th graders. Tomorrow we will release the video coverage from last months showcase!


Thibaud Rubin: Moves well without the ball to find open shots. Has a quick release that he uses to get shots up over bigger defenders. Plays hard and comes up with a lot of loose balls.

Bryan Wilson Jr: Good ball handler and defenser. Drives the ball well to the basket to score.  

Brandon Bellamy: Very smart floor leader who made good decisions and plays with the basketball-dies a really good job of rebounding and running his team.

James Jackson: scrappy and feisty leader who doesn’t run from anybody, very small guard but who has good ball handling skills,